Monday, May 2, 2011

My Response To An Assassination

Another early morning wake-up found me at my computer with my English muffins and orange juice and  the AOL home page announcing the assassination of Usama (I always thought it was Osama) Bin Laden. My first reaction was that it might possibly be a trick, for whatever reason I'm not sure. But, I must admit, at first I questioned the veracity of the report I was reading.

After journaling my dream, I went back to the AOL page and then clicked on my "Fox News Channel" icon and then I turned my TV on to watch "Fox and Friends". As the morning wore on, the reports came in of computer face recognition, finger print, and finally DNA confirmation, so I figured my cynical mind would drop the big question mark rolling around in my consciousness. However, this did not happen, even as I watched and paid attention to later reports from different sources.Still, the questions persisted?

I went back to that day over 10 years ago when I first learned of the attack on the Twin Towers of NYC. My husband and I had to take a lay-over in Waterloo, IA, because our regular pick-up was not ready, so we checked back into the Inn that we had spent the previous night in. That Tuesday morning of 9/11/01 I turned the TV off before leaving our room, just as "Regis and Kelly" were coming on. We had breakfast at the restaurant next door where we decided to go to one of the larger lumber/home improvement superstores see what kind of shelving we could find to hold the refrigerator, microwave and TV in the sleeper area of our big-rig. 

My husband had to go out to measure the closet opening, and while I waited for him, our daughter called to tell us of the attacks on the Twin Towers and it registered but I guess without actually seeing it on TV or having conversations about it, a real connection and acceptance of what happened and the initial emotional impact didn't really sink in. We purchased our shelving, installed it and then went to wait on our load. Once back on the road then we were were once again back our regular, weekly schedule of driving, pick-ups and deliveries. That following Saturday as I rested in our hotel room in our hometown, I was able to watch the cable news channel and there I  saw repeat telecasts of the 9/11 events and the amazing clean-up carried out by citizens and volunteers. But still, because my work week and resulting isolation began again on Sunday, the intense feeling of patriotism, loss and resulting anger escaped me. 

So, maybe that is why instead of feeling closure or a reason to rejoice when I heard that "We Got Him", I was left this morning with questions. And, when I discussed the issue with my son this afternoon, our reaction was much the same: Why was this decision by our president made at this particular time? Was there some hidden agenda behind his call to take action at a time? These questions are not accusations, they are not criticisms nor are they judgements.Just questions that came into my own mind and quite possibly the wondering consciousness of other citizens of this country.

However, these questions in no way diminish valiant actions and success of our military, the  Navy Seals and all necessary agencies that worked in concert to bring about the goal which had been set almost ten years prior. Regardless of when the knowledge was gained, the follow through and success, in and of itself, was nothing short of heroic and the end result of military training that is second to none on this planet. What was needed, was done. End of story. 

Or is it? I saw and heard the collective expressions of joy and relief on the faces of those who gathered in Times Square and outside of the White House yesterday evening to celebrate justice served after years of pain and uncertainty. I'm quite sure that someone had been trained to take the fallen religious leader's place so I'm quite certain that the battle cry of the terrorists lives on, quite possibly agitated and ready for retaliation.

Maybe I'm just too cynical, too reluctant to allow myself to take this as a sign of greater victories to come. I want world peace, but I also I know that it cannot fill the planet until the threat of terrorism of any kind is obliterated. Each and every person who lives and breathes on this planet deserves to live in peace and harmony with their neighbor and with the very earth that we all inhabit. 

Thanks to the Internet, the boundaries of my neighborhood has expanded to include all people of all cultures, in all countries around the world. These are my brothers and sisters in spirit, and this blog was written to share with them the hope that one day soon we will live in that blessed state of global brotherhood. There will be no prejudice, no judgement, no oppression, no persecution, no killing. This is the desire of our Creator and it is the promise our future holds. Faith in that promise will bring us to that Golden Age of Peace and Harmony. Can you pick up the mantel of unconditional love and carry it proudly until that time?


  1. Is it real then?????? I have my doubts...and also it is so easy to make fake pictures...and for surer Peace will not start with this...maybe the start for something worse...who knows??
    Very well written.........thank you<3
    By the way the day the twin towers where attacked...I was sitting watching News on the CNN chanel....and then it happened, first the one ,then the other..I saw it all, as they had a window turning that all was like I was there......never will forget...
    But also there are thoughts that all this were also made of the us put the blame on the is all about money and power and so much lies........not peace and to help people ....all is power and money and lies and so false...........I am waiting to see what will be the next to happen......!!!!!! after this too.....goshjjjjjjjj!

  2. You've made some good points, and I agree with you. In all honesty, I don't trust my own government. If they could do this now, after all this time, why not sooner? So many questions. I've done my share of trying to get people to realize that not all Muslims are terrorists. I have some Muslim friends and they are peace-loving people. One I call my brother. We don't have the same religion, but we just know that our lives and our families were meant to be drawn together to help people understand. We're all one from the same creator! End of story for me. Filakia, Eleni mou!
